Can an Esthetician Treat Acne?

Estheticians specialize in cosmetic skin care treatments, rather than medical ones. While they can't prescribe medications for acne or treat some of the more serious forms of it, they can help you care for your skin and perform professional treatments. These treatments may include Ematrix, a radiofrequency skin rejuvenation treatment that can be effective in healing acne scars. Three to five treatments are needed to get the full effect of the Ematrix, spaced between four and six weeks apart.

This treatment increases collagen, improves skin tone, tightens the skin and increases the quality of skin texture. Collagen is an essential protein that provides skin elasticity, helping it look younger, more vibrant and glowing. It also helps the skin repair and renew itself, allowing it to repair and heal acne scars.Another great treatment for acne scars is Profractional laser treatment. This triggers the skin's healing response and leads to skin healing.

It takes three treatments on average to get the best results, spaced six to eight weeks apart. However, this treatment is not for all skin types, so a careful skin evaluation is needed prior to treatment.Estheticians usually go to work in a spa or beauty salon, where most of their clients seek treatments to improve their appearance or to relax and feel pampered. The salon or spa will generally have a preferred line of professional products that they use to treat customers. Most professional product manufacturers have a line of acne care products, and a beautician in a spa or salon will be encouraged to use them when dealing with acne, regardless of their proven effectiveness.BBL laser acne treatment works by warming skin layers through cosmetic heat and energy.

People use this treatment to solve many different types of skin problems, but one is its ability to soften acne or treat scars caused by acne. Prescription medications can certainly work, and there are times when an esthetician will refer a client to receive prescriptions to support what they are doing to treat their skin.Although an esthetician will not be able to offer treatments for serious or medical skin conditions, they may be able to improve the overall appearance of the skin. Three treatments are needed for best results and treatments should be spaced between four and six weeks apart.When looking for an esthetician who specializes in treating acne, it's important to find one who has experience with your particular type of skin. Veronika Astashonok is a licensed certified esthetician and acne specialist who has helped many people with their breakouts.

Crystal Koro, a celebrity esthetician based in Los Angeles, has spent years trying to keep her cystic breakouts at bay, and she has come up with a tried and true esthetician-approved acne treatment to do just that.A traditional dermatologist has the ability to prescribe medications to treat not only acne but many other skin conditions as well. Many beauticians receive information about the products and their ingredients, and can help the customer through the maze of product options for skin with acne. Chapas can see a patient every few weeks or just once a year, depending on what they are facing; an esthetician can see that same person more often, and when they keep in touch, they can check their recommendations and make sure the patient complies with the treatment.Next, we'll take a closer look at the ratings of dermatologists and beauticians, and when you should visit each. For example, some people with serious skin problems see a beautician rather than a dermatologist simply because it's more convenient for them.