What is a Medical Esthetician and What Do They Do?

Medical beauticians, also known as “paramedics”, are professionals who perform many of the same tasks as estheticians. However, they have additional training that allows them to provide specialized treatments and work in clinical settings. Estheticians usually work in spas or beauty salons doing facials or waxing. They are not usually as involved as medical estheticians in laser-based treatments, unless they receive additional training.

Medical estheticians earn an esthetician's degree from specialized esthetician schools, two-year universities, or cosmetology schools. These programs involve a combination of classroom instruction and practice to gain the skills needed to enter this profession. Students must complete the required number of hours to be eligible for state licensing. To graduate, students generally also have to complete a required number of treatments to demonstrate competence and experience.

The term medical esthetician is a controversial term and can be confusing to the client because it can create false expectations about the type of professional qualification of aesthetics. As a simple concept, the medical esthetician is the professional who complies with the state regulations and has an active facial specialist license and has been trained to perform treatments and procedures related to these certifications. Florida Medical & Aesthetic International School Medical Aesthetics course prepares professionals to provide skin care treatments with the latest technologies in aesthetic procedures. It means that these professionals can provide safety aesthetic procedures in accordance with the scope of specialty and state regulations.

At the end of the course, participants can help patients with signs of skin aging, some skin conditions, unwanted hair and can work as part of the plastic surgery team, cosmetic dermatologist, or any other professional in the medical and aesthetic field. On the other hand, there are several procedures in aesthetic practices that are limited to the esthetician in scope, but a properly trained medical esthetician holding an aesthetic license can do so under the supervision of their medical director. Those with aesthetic license who want to increase their knowledge in skin care and have a true passion for helping people who seek to improve their appearance and require intensive care of their skin, this course provides them with the necessary tools to provide these types of specialized services. The program for this course requires some steps to become certified after intensive preparation in advanced aesthetics.

If participants earn part of this certification beforehand, participants can directly access the Medical Esthetician course; otherwise, the school offers these previous programs and certifications, Skin Care Program and Esthetician Phlebotomy. Applicants who need to complete one or more requirements can apply to Florida Medical & Aesthetic International School for the appropriate course to qualify and can enroll in the medical aesthetician certification course. The Medical Esthetician course is a certification that demonstrates your professionalism and knowledge in the medical and aesthetic field and provides graduates with more opportunities to work assisting aesthetic plastic surgeons, dermatologists and other physicians engaged in aesthetic medicine practices multiple procedures in MedSpa, clinics, aesthetic practices among others. Spa beauticians will work in a salon or spa performing the tasks they were trained on.

They could also one day become beauty educators, which would involve visiting various locations and training beauticians in different beauty products. A medical esthetician specializes in skin care, especially facial care. They are often closely associated with the field of dermatology. Estheticians provide a variety of services, procedures, products and consultations to help improve and maintain the appearance and health of their client or patient's skin.

They can also work on the medical aspect and take patients to exam rooms, take patients' vital signs, collect medical history, and help doctors with procedures. In other words, they bring their skincare expertise to a medical environment to help people learn how to care for their skin, undergo treatments for conditions, and heal and improve skin.