What is the Difference Between a Medical Esthetician and a Regular Esthetician?

Beauticians and medical estheticians are both licensed skin care specialists, but there are some key differences between the two. A beautician will work with clients, while a medical esthetician will work with a doctor's patients. A medical esthetician can work in medical settings, such as hospitals or trauma centers, while an esthetician cannot work without further training. Estheticians generally work with clients who have minor skin problems, such as age spots or dry skin.

Medical estheticians tend to work with clients who suffer from much more serious skin problems, such as burns, trauma, or helping people after having plastic surgery.In terms of training, both professions require a license from the state. However, medical estheticians may opt for additional classes that will help them learn more about providing services in a medical setting. Spa beauticians may focus more on services that provide relaxation and improve the personal appearance of clients. For example, they may provide massages with aromatherapy oils, moisturizing or anti-aging facials, or apply makeup to a client who has special plans for the night.The treatments each performs also differ.

A spa beautician may provide light chemical peels, while moderate and deep peels are reserved only for medical professionals. Additionally, estheticians may teach patients proper makeup application techniques to help hide scars and how to care for healed skin.A Master of Aesthetician license is available in some states, providing for a longer course of training and study. Working as a training inspector involves visiting medical spas, rehabilitation centers, and other employers of medical estheticians to ensure that all regulations are carefully followed.In conclusion, both professions involve close contact with clients and both involve skin care. However, there are some key differences between the two.

Medical estheticians must attend cosmetology or esthetician school and obtain state license upon graduation. They can work in dermatology offices, plastic surgeon clinics, hospitals and medical spas. Estheticians generally work with clients who have minor skin problems while medical estheticians tend to work with clients who suffer from much more serious skin problems.