Is an Esthetician in the Medical Field?

A medical esthetician is a specialist in skin care, particularly facial care. They are often closely associated with the field of dermatology and provide a variety of services, procedures, products and consultations to help improve and maintain the appearance and health of the client or patient's skin. Estheticians are those who perform skin care services, which may include massage, waxing, skin cleansing, and skin toning. Medical estheticians can also do the same tasks as a beautician, however, they have received additional training that allows them to work in a clinical environment where they can perform more specialized treatments.

While estheticians are usually found working in a beauty salon or spa, medical estheticians are more likely to work in a rehabilitation center or in a plastic surgeon's office. They can even find jobs in hospitals. Wherever they choose to work, their obligations will vary only slightly. A medical esthetician working in a dermatologist's office can spend time exfoliating the skin or treating precancerous cells.

Or they can use restorative treatments for those who may be suffering from different skin conditions or diseases. A medical esthetician working in an oncologist's office could help chemotherapy patients care for skin that has become sensitive due to treatment. A medical esthetician may even find himself working with burn victims to show how they can use makeup to hide scars. Medical estheticians earn an esthetician's degree from specialized esthetician schools, two-year universities, or cosmetology schools.

These programs involve a combination of classroom instruction and practice to gain the skills needed to enter this profession. Students must complete the required number of hours to be eligible for state licensing. To graduate, students generally also have to complete a required number of treatments to demonstrate competence and experience.An esthetician or esthetician assistant is a trained technician who focuses on the skin. Strictly speaking, a beautician is not usually considered a medical assistant.

However, estheticians sometimes work in medical settings. Not all states require licensing for physician assistants, which means that some estheticians could take the position of physician assistant instead.Next, four common misconceptions about working in the medical field as an esthetician will be discussed. Aesthetic medical treatments are also easy to add to an existing practice because they are low-risk and offer the opportunity to work with healthy patients. When choosing your course, it is important to remember that both a cosmetology program and an aesthetic program will allow you to be a beautician.They also tend to work with patients who have more serious or complex skin conditions that require professional medical help, such as that of a dermatologist or primary care provider.

Estheticians are licensed to perform skin care to whatever extent their state license permits in most states, including beautifying the outermost layer of skin. Medical delegation differs by state, as do cosmetic regulations, and some states are stricter than others.When most people think of beauticians, they imagine relaxing lavender aromatherapy and gentle facials. Training may vary, but all estheticians must complete a state-approved program where they learn about skin care procedures, such as facials, microdermabrasion, special masks, chemical peels, and hair removal. Admission requirements for esthetician programs vary based on program location, quality, and duration.Before enrolling in a training program for medical estheticians, be sure to research the program and ensure that it is authentic and provides appropriate training.

Even if the esthetician is hired to provide skin care services and recommend products to improve and maintain the results of medical procedures, members of the support team including beauticians will likely be involved in some aspect of customer care.Estheticians also frequently work with plastic surgeons, especially those who primarily perform elective and aesthetic procedures. Pre- and Post-Surgical Skin CareMedical estheticians commonly used for people who suffer skin trauma from burns, abrasions or other types of damage provide cleaning procedures and instructions to keep skin disinfected and healthy.Beautician careers it's helpful to have a better idea of what each path offers and the work tasks they may entail.