What Career Paths Can an Esthetician Take?

Becoming an esthetician can open up a world of career opportunities, from working in beauty salons and spas to becoming a manicurist, pedicurist, makeup artist, or even a salon and spa manager. As a brand representative, you can promote your product to professionals such as makeup artists or salon and spa owners, and show and train other beauty sales teams on how to sell your products to their customers. To get started in this field, you'll need to obtain an esthetician certificate from an accredited beauty school or community college. During these programs, students will learn all about skin health and can also take courses in anatomy and physiology, facials, massages, skin analysis, makeup application, and much more.

The best esthetician certification programs prepare students for their state's licensing exam. Depending on the state, it can take up to six months for students to receive an esthetician certificate or license if they are enrolled in a full-time program. Once you have your license, there are plenty of career paths available. These include working as a skin care specialist, medical esthetician, brand trainer, beauty educator, and more.

As a skincare specialist, you may work in a spa or salon that offers services that support the health and appearance of your clients' skin. You could also be employed full time or even self-employed. Medical estheticians provide skin care in medical settings such as clinics, hospitals, or medical spas. Often, the doctors you work with as a medical esthetician are dermatologists or plastic surgeons.

Medical estheticians can work on a contract basis, work on their own, or work in a single facility. If the traditional aesthetic jobs don't appeal to you, you might want to consider a career in medical aesthetics. This involves creating products to sell or even owning your own salon, spa, or other facility. You can also choose to work under contract for several businesses.