How Much Can Estheticians Earn?

The best way to increase your esthetician salary is to take continuing education classes and acquire additional skills. Becoming more specialized will open up more opportunities for you. Estheticians are usually paid differently than other professionals, but in a similar way to many in the beauty industry. Yes, some beauticians receive commissions from their employer based on the market, the location of the salon or spa, and the cost of services.Estheticians in plastic surgeons' offices also help the doctor by cleaning and sterilizing equipment and providing pre- and post-operative care instructions to patients.

In a direct commission scenario, estheticians earn a small hourly wage, along with a percentage of their gross sales for the work they performed during a specific period of time. Medical estheticians don't need a separate license, although taking relevant continuing education courses is a good idea. In addition to providing these types of services, beauticians who work in medical spas or doctor's offices can also assist the doctor with procedures.Although there are different beautician classifications (clinical and medical), they generate approximately the same average income. Therefore, beauticians who regularly pre-book, perform services at higher prices, and sell retail products for the salon or spa can enjoy much higher incomes than their colleagues.

Continuing education courses can be found through local beauty groups, at conferences, or at aesthetic schools. The medical esthetician offers skin care treatments and provides consultations with makeup applications and purchases.That's because total revenue potential for estheticians is often enhanced by tips, bonuses, and commissions on products and services, all of which can add 10%, 20%, or more to the bottom line. Estheticians in salons and spas often provide facials, face and body scrubs, pore cleansing, and waxing. This license qualifies estheticians to work in places that focus more on the medical aspects of skin care than cosmetics.

Yes, beauticians can make a lot of money depending on the state they work in, the type of industry, the type of esthetician (medical or non-medical), and several years of experience.In hot markets like Miami and Los Angeles, which host high-end salons and spas, it's not uncommon for beauticians to earn up to six figures. Nurse estheticians usually earn much more than standard medical aestheticians or estheticians, but a nursing license is required.