What is the Highest Level of Esthetician Certification?

The National Aesthetician Certification — NCEA Certified credential is the highest standard set by the National Coalition of Aesthetician Associations (NCEA) for Estheticians in the United States. A master esthetician is a skin care specialist who has completed several hundred additional hours of training in a variety of aesthetic-related topics. The exact courses will vary by program, but they typically focus on medical aesthetics, how hormones affect the skin, laser use, light energy, lymphatic drainage, and aesthetic skin care before and after the operation. The length of a training program for aesthetic teachers varies depending on your state's requirements.

On average, states require 600 hours of training to obtain a master esthetician license. Candidates can take between four and 12 months to complete this training. States with advanced or improved esthetician licenses generally require less training time, as these states often ask you to train for specific skills rather than completing a master esthetician program. A beautician is a skin care professional in the field of cosmetology.

Most of these professionals perform facial and body treatments that improve skin appearance and overall health. They may also perform hair removal treatments to remove unwanted body hair or give head and neck massages. Estheticians work with clients to create skincare regimens that best fit the client's skin type. Protective clothing is required when working with chemicals, and many of these specialists work nights and weekends.Esthetician programs generally cover skin chemistry and how it relates to skin care and makeup products; they may also include topics such as massage, nail care, salon operations, masks, chemical peels, and sanitation.

Learn about education and training options for future estheticians and learn about state licensing requirements.The San Jose City College Aesthetics staff is one of the most passionate and best trained in aesthetic services in the nation. In addition to teaching weekly classes, many of the full-time instructors also practice in parallel.The aesthetic industry is rapidly evolving, with technological advances such as cosmetic lasers and light-based medical devices taking skincare and anti-aging to the next level. Most master's degree programs in aesthetician are designed for students who have previously completed a basic esthetician program and are looking to advance their education to a more clinical level. This program is an advanced level of Aesthetics designed for those who want a more advanced education that includes the clinical and medical aspects of the aesthetic industry.As a Master Esthetics (Level) student at Cameo College, you'll learn the art of advanced skin care in a hands-on environment, using the latest aesthetic equipment and products.

Master estheticians receive additional training in aesthetics beyond the basic level, allowing them to perform a wider range of services than standard estheticians. Master beauticians know both the external characteristics of the skin, such as the level of dryness, and the internal processes affecting the skin, including hormones.However, in general, an esthetician license is the lowest level of license and allows you to practice in a spa, beauty salon, or similar environment. Prerequisites for this program include an Aesthetics license (basic level), cosmetology license, or 600-hour Aesthetics transcripts (basic level).