What is the Difference Between an Esthetician and a Medical Esthetician?

Medical estheticians and estheticians are both specialists in skin care. Estheticians provide services such as massage, waxing, skin cleansing, and skin toning, while medical estheticians have received additional training that allows them to work in a clinical environment and perform more specialized treatments. Estheticians are usually found in beauty salons or spas, while medical estheticians are more likely to work in rehabilitation centers or plastic surgeons' offices.It can be confusing to understand the difference between a medical esthetician and an esthetician. Both professions work to improve someone's skin, but there are many differences between the two.

If you're considering becoming one or both, it's important to know the difference between what each one does and which profession would make the most sense for you.This article provides an overview of the two careers in terms of training, treatments, careers, and workplaces. Spa beauticians may focus more on services that provide relaxation and improve the personal appearance of clients. They may provide massages with aromatherapy oils, moisturizing or anti-aging facials, or apply makeup for special occasions. Some beauticians choose to get additional training in massage or aromatherapy.Medical estheticians may receive training in the same areas as spa beauticians, but their training may also include pre- and post-surgical skin care, permanent makeup, eyelash extensions, advanced hair removal, and manual lymphatic drainage.

On a day-to-day basis, they may address rashes, severe acne, burns and major blemishes through medical treatments with doctor's advice.Estheticians generally must complete at least 600 hours of training to qualify for licensing, with specific hour requirements varying by state. Medical estheticians may also need to obtain additional certifications or licenses depending on their state. States offer the same license to medical and spa beauticians who must obtain and renew it to practice professionally.Medical estheticians generally work in medical settings such as hospitals, plastic surgery offices, or medispas. They should be able to match the thickness, color and curvature of existing eyelashes and perform regular touch-ups.

Medical spas offer medical beauty treatments that can be found in a doctor's office but with the relaxed atmosphere of a day spa.If you're interested in working in the aesthetic field, learning about the differences between a medical esthetician and a spa esthetician can help you choose the career path that's right for you. If you have further questions about the types of jobs you would train for, which program is right for you, or how long each program will last, please contact us.