How Long Does It Take to Become an Aesthetic Medicine Expert?

We often recommend that medical esthetician certification before attending an aesthetic training school. Esthetician school takes approximately 5 to 6 months to complete, while medical esthetician school takes approximately two weeks. To become an aesthetic doctor, you must follow the same educational path as other doctors. You need to earn a bachelor's degree in biology, biochemistry, or a similar field, and then complete medical school, which usually takes about four years.

After that, you must acquire residency programs and fellowships in cosmetic surgery specialties, which can take another four years to complete. Before you can practice, you must obtain a state medical license and get board certified. Aesthetic doctors differ from plastic surgeons in that plastic surgeons try to correct dysfunctional parts of the body through surgery, while cosmetic surgery is elective and works to improve the appearance of different parts of the body. In most states, you need to have your high school diploma or GED to perform laser treatments.

To perform Botox, dermal fillers, and other cosmetic injectables, in some states you must be an RN or higher. There are some states that allow LPNs to administer injectables. However, it's important that you research your state's requirements before choosing a medical aesthetic school. Our expert admissions advisors will be able to provide you with more detailed information about your state's regulations.

Medical esthetician school can be completed in nine months to one year after graduating from high school. Obtaining the state license or certification may take additional months. Companies such as Interface Aesthetics and Derma Medical offer physician-led aesthetic training and are helping to set standards to aspire to when training healthcare professionals in this field. All graduates of the American Board of Aesthetic Medicine will have sufficient knowledge in all areas of aesthetic medicine to begin practicing in this exciting and rapidly growing field.

The National Laser Institute is the leading school of aesthetic medicine in the country and has existed for more than a decade. They share all the insider information on how to start or develop an aesthetic business and the best tips for aesthetic careers for doctors. Aesthetic conferences are an invaluable way to network and meet others useful in the industry, such as at the British College of Aesthetic Medicine Conference in London. This has the added benefit of potentially allowing you to own your own medical aesthetic practice, depending on the state you work in.

If you are interested in pursuing a formal postgraduate degree, UCL now offers a master's degree in Minimally Invasive Aesthetics or Cosmetic Surgery. Aesthetic medicine is a rapidly growing medical field that improves existing appearance and delays skin and tissue degradation due to natural aging. Being certified by the American Board of Aesthetic Medicine indicates that the physician has received training and competence beyond the minimum standard in the field of Aesthetic Medicine.